Document Type : Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Damghan University, Damghan, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Public Law, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

3 Ph. D. Student in Criminal Law and Criminology, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


The European Court of Human Rights in several sentences has compared life imprisonment with Article 3 of European Convention on Human Rights about prohibition of torture; the judges with the passage of time has gone from a conservative point of view to a progressive point of view and they have considered life imprisonment in opposition to the principles about prohibition of torture, inhuman and degrading treatments. In this research, with a descriptive and deductive analysis, we will understand that European Court criteria for not interpreting life imprisonment under Article 3 of European Convention on Human Rights are: the relationship of proportionality between crime and penalty, the provision not only in the rules and norms but also in the practice of the release of the prisoner in the future, the license to leave prison on parole also for those convicted for crimes related to public security and the ban of extradition to third countries that do not respect the parameters set by the European Court. This point of views if without doubt increase the safeguard of human rights of life imprisonment’s convicted, on the other hand can be a problem for the defense of public order in Convention’s Member States.




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    2. Buyse, A., & Hamilton, M. (2011). Transnational Jurisprudence and the ECHR: Justice, Politics and Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    3. Gumboh, Esther (2017). A Critical Analysis of Life Imprisonment in Malaw. Journal of African Law, 61( 3), 443 – 466.
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    1. C) Cases
    2. Ireland v. United Kingdom, 18-1-1978, n. 5310-71.
    3. Kafkaris v. Cyprus, 12-2-2008 (A), n. 21906-04.
    4. Kudla v. Poland, 26-10-2000, n. 30210-96.
    5. Mayeka and Mitunga v. Belgium, 12-10-1989, n. 13178-03.
    6. Öcalan v. Turkey, 18-3-2014 (A), n. 10464-07.
    7. Saadi v. Italy, 28-2-2008 (B), n. 37201-06.
    8. Selmouni v. France, 28-7-1999, n. 25803-94.
    9. Streicher v. Germany, 10-2-2009, n. 40384-04.
    10. Törköly v. Hungary, 5-4-2011, n. 4413-06.
    11. Trabelsi v. Belgium, 7-10-2014 (B), n. 140-10.
    12. Vinter and Others v. United Kingdom, 17-1-2012, n. 66069-09.
    13. Vinter and Others v. United Kingdom, Grand Chamber, 9-7-2013, n. 3869-10.
    14. Viola v. Italy, 13-6-2019, n. 77633-16.



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