Document Type : Article


1 Phd Candidate

2 Post-doctoral Researcher, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Tarbiat Modares University, ‎Tehran, Iran‎

3 Director of Development and Competitiveness Studies Center, Tehran, Iran‎

4 Pre-doctoral Research Assistant, London School of Economics, London, England‎


the digital economy and the platform ecosystem in relation to the adoption of new business models and behaviors by businesses, competition rights and traditional rules have faced serious challenges. The rules that today are not able to deal with new behaviors that disrupt competition and are incompatible with previously recognized behaviors, and this issue has caused different countries to identify these behaviors and establish rules to deal with them while preparing separate normative documents. Using library studies and adopting an analytical-descriptive method with a comparative approach to identify new practices that disrupt the competition of digital platforms, the upcoming research has come to the conclusion that the root of such behaviors goes back to three key factors: first, "infrastructural nature and the platform's self-regulation capability" which has caused the occurrence of two anti-competitive practices: "removing access to the platform" and "limiting interoperability with other platforms"; Second, "the access of the platform to the data and technologies related to it" which has created the context of "directing and disrupting the will of users" and "unwanted and autonomous coordination" and finally the "leverage capability of the platform" which has led to the occurrence of new disruptive competitive behaviors such as " self-preferred" and "using data in other markets".


Main Subjects

  1. English

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