1 Associate Professor, Public and International Law Department, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran
2 University Professor and Researcher
There are some important and remarkable developments in the international law common aspect of which is the humanity considerations. The rise of the notion of international community implies fundamental interests and values of the community and this approach is considered as a fundamental goal in the modern world. States and other actors such as international organizations in the international community have proposed and used many different means for protecting these values but some of them aren’t effective and suitable and it seems that the criminal guarantee is needed for the stability of community. Therefore, the rise and development of international criminal law is one of the most important issues in this century and there are some intended and unintended consequences of the rise of international criminal law. So, mutual interaction between international criminal law and international community is true. Some other notions such as international legal order, public order and common good also play notable roles in this relationship and the practice of the International criminal tribunals and national courts is very important.
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