
1 Professor, Public and International Law Department, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The precautionary principle has been widely discussed in academic, legal and political areas. Debates stem due to various definitions and wordings of the principle and the fact that it has been reflected in both binding and nonbinding international instruments in various fields. The role of the European Union and its members is undisputed in the evolution of the principle. It can be found in different contexts; from its statements in international disputes to Jurisprudence of its judicial organs. This paper, with an analytical-descriptive approach, examines the situation of the precautionary principle in Domestic legal systems of European countries, primary and secondary rules of the EU and the jurisprudence of general courts, ECJ and ECHR to prove or deny the customary nature of the principle in this region.


الف) فارسی
رمضانی قوام‌‌آبادی، محمدحسین (1392). «بررسی تطبیقی اجرای اصل احتیاط زیست‌‌محیطی در پرتو آرا و تصمیمات مراجع بین‌‌المللی»، فصل‌نامۀ پژوهش حقوق عمومی، شمارۀ 40، 167-179.
موسوی، سید فضل‌الله، آرش‌‌پور، علیرضا (1394). «جایگاه اصل احتیاطی در حقوق بین‌‌الملل محیط‌‌زیست»، فصل‌نامۀ مطالعات حقوق عمومی،شمارة 48، 141-164.
ب) انگلیسی
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C) Cases
Case 53/80, 1981 E. C. R.(Nisin Case; Koninklijke Kaasfabriek Eyssen BV).
Case 174/82, 1983 E. C. R.(Sandoz Case).
Case C-405/92, 1993, E.C.R. I-5175(Mondiet Case).
Case C-435/93, 1994, E.C.R. I-67 (wild bird Case; Association Pour la Protection desAnimaux Sauvages et prefet de maine et loire de Prefet de la laire-Atlantique).
Case C-180/96, UK. v. Commission, 99 E.C.R. I-8105 (mad cow Case).
Case E-3/00 (EFTA corn flakes Case).
Case T-13/ 99 (Pfizer Case).
Case T- 70/99, 2002 E. C. R. II- 3495 (Alpharma Case).
Case T-74/00 (Artegodan Case).
Case C-236/01, 2003 E.C.R. I-8150 (Monsanto Case).
Case C-127/02, 2005, E.C.R. I 6515 (Wadenzee Case).
Case C-14/06 and Case C-295/06 2007, E.C.R. I-7441 (Electrical and electronic equipment Case).
Case T-229/04 Sweden v Commission, 2007 E.C.R. I-2437 (ParaquatCase).
Case C-77/09 (Gowan Case).
Case T‑333/10 (Animal Trading Company Case).
Case T‑257/07, 2011, (TSE Case).
Case C‑269/13 P (Acino Case).

Joined Cases C-358/14, C-477/14 andC-547/14(Electronic Cigarettes Cases).

D) Documents
Communication from the Commission on Consumer Health and Food Safety, 1997.
Court of justice of European Union, (2016), CJEU press release No. 48/16. Luxembourg.
ECHR Factsheet on Environment and the European Convention on Human Rights (2016), Retrieved from: 20/12/2016
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