
1 Associate Professor, Public & International Law Department, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 MA in Public Law, Faculty of Law, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 MA in Political Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Political development and democracy are concepts that despite being political terms have serious links and relations with law. Therefore it can be said that democracy is the exact basis and foundation of the principle of rule of law and is a mean for guaranteeing citizen rights by legal instruments. A look at the history of formation of democratic states showa that regulating paying taxes and how and where the taxes are being used, accompanied with pubic satisfaction has been a main factor for moving towards achieving democracy. The reason why Democratic states pay so much attention to taxes is not solely to create a supervisory right for citizens or to give them a right to seek answers from the political system but beyond that it is a sign of existence of legal arrangements for making such procedures possible. Democracies in addition to having financial needs to taxes for managing ongoing governmental affairs, due to the welfare obligations that they undertake, they require and very much depend on taxes. The main question of this research is whether tax is considered as a mean for democracy and political development? Studies and researches show that taxation and fully relying on tax incomes is not the only sign of political development and democracy or a sign of a move towards democracy, and that the way of collecting taxes and how the taxes are being used can also be effective in improving democratic indexes. Our research method is analytical-descriptive based on interdisciplinary studies. The data have been collected based on the library method.


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