
1 Ph.D. in International Public Law, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Nowadays Human Rights pays a great deal of attention to protection of people affected by natural disasters, because such incidents occur every year around the world and with them comes a lot of human and financial losses. Nevertheless, this issue raises many questions regarding the relations between governments and individuals, as well as relations of international relief organizations with affected states. The question we are trying to answer in this contribution, is that what is the nature of the protection of people against natural disasters, and if such protection is a fulfillment of human rights, should it only be asked from the government, or that it can also be a demand from the international community, and in particular from international relief organizations? Based on the studies, the affected state has the main obligation to protect the victims of natural disasters, and in case the state is unable to or unwilling to give an effective relief and a violation to the fundamental rights of victims occurs, then the international community will be responsible to protect them, via international relief organizations.


الف) فارسی
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