
1 Associated Prof, Islamic and Private Law Department, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 MA, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Due to the necessity of a fast application and development of its rules and provisions regarding the role of energy in economic development, Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) has established the “provisional application” process. Article 45 of this treaty, while articulating the application of this principle, expresses some exceptions. Existing ambiguities as well as divergence in its interpretation, bring about some controversies on the aforementioned issue on an international level. One of the most important disputes in this regard is the case of “Yukos shareholders vs. Russia ˮ. In this award, the arbitral tribunal and judicial courts involved have raised various interpretations of article 45, relying on ECT and Russian law and have ultimately adopted different approaches. Examining all aspects of “provisional application” in the mentioned case, in addition to expressing the latest legal point of views on this subject may help legal authorities and legislators of countries, like Iran, who are willing to be members of ECT, in their future legal policies. This paper reviews the provisions of ECT regarding its provisional application and discusses different decisions of courts in Yukos shareholders vs. Russia to explain the contradictions and inconsistencies of the Iranian legal system with ECT, in case the Treaty is signed by Iran and provisional application commences.


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    پ) پرونده‌ها

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    ج) اسناد

    22. قانون اساسی ایران مصوب 1358.

    23. قانون تشویق و حمایت از سرمایه‌گذاری خارجی مصوب 1380 و اصلاحیۀ 1381.

    24. Agreed text for adoption in the Hague at the Ministerial Conference on the International Energy Charter, 20 May 2015.

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    27. Federal Law on International Treaties of the Russian Federation 1995.

    28. Russian Federation Law on Foreign Investments 1991.

    29. Russian Federation Law on Foreign Investments 1999.

    30. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1996 (VCLT).