
1 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Allameh Tabataba'i, Tehran, Iran

2 MA. Student, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Allameh Tabataba'i, Tehran, Iran


Biotechnology allows exploitation of biomass and biodiesel in providing fuel through protecting biodiversity and developing novel strategies including strategies for removal of water, soil and weather pollutants; and it provides opportunities for development of international environmental law by providing opportunities for utilization of exploitability of genetic materials resulting from fossilized remains of extinct flora and fauna species aiming at simulation of extinct species. Through providing alternative strategies instead of traditional methods for protection of environment and prevention of any damaged incurred on it, it can significantly help the development of international law in this respect. While biotechnology plays a significant role in the development of international environmental law, the unknown poisonous composites, allergic responses, and unpredictable genetic pollutions resulting from supplying poisonous organism due to intervention in existing organisms can pave the way for destruction and pollution of the environment. The positive consequences of this technology and its negative effects are determinants accelerating the change in international society attitude towards the significance and the necessity of protection of the environment, finally leading to increased development of international environmental law. Focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of biotechnology, this study is concerned with how biotechnology can serve the development of international environmental law. While the positive aspects of biotechnology shouldn't be ignored, it is necessary to give due attention to its consequences and effects.


. فارسی

الف) کتاب‌ها

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