
1 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Law and Theology, University of Shahid Ashrafi Esfahani, Isfahan, Iran

2 MA. in International Law, University of Shahid Ashrafi Esfahani, Isfahan, Iran


Freedom of religion has various dimensions, from freedom of having a belief as a subjective matter to freedom of express the belief in personal and social life, as an objective matter. The first aspect of this right is visible prima facie in the right to do religious rites and benediction. Also, the rights to religious clothing and use religious symbols represents the link between freedom of religion and freedom of speech. The right to assembly that generally recognized, is useful to enjoy religious freedom. The right to religious education and proselytization are other aspects that religious believers sue it, seriously. Swearing on the religion is another aspect of the freedom, too. This article surveys these aspects with an analytical-descriptive method in the precedent of European Court of Human Rights and concludes that despite the fact that some of them are not specified in international instruments, the Court protects the development of the right to freedom of religion by its precedents.


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الف) کتاب‌ها

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