
1 Assistant Prof., Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 MA. in International Law, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Recognition is also influenced by the development process of international law, especially the practice of States, international organizations and Courts show such developments. Through the evolution of the recognition process, a new criterion has emerged in the context of the creation of new States. In fact, today having classic criteria of international law by one entity alone cannot necessarily cause creation of a new State. Islamic self-proclaimed state, established by Daesh, has taken steps to acquire constituent elements of the State and seeks to exercise sovereignty in the areas under its control and to have effective control. In this article, the classic criteria for creation of new States are compared with Daesh’s claim to establish an Islamic State, then, according to the contemporary criterion of "legitimacy" for creation of a new State, we will address the requirements of States regarding recognizing of Daesh. Then, these questions are answered whether Daesh has the traditional elements of Statehood? What criteria are required for recognition? In response to these questions, it is concluded that, in spite of Daesh’s attempt to apply the classic criteria of the creation of State, this violent entity is merely a criminal extremist. The mere having these criteria will not lead to the creation of a new State, and, moreover, recognizing it as a new State would violate international human rights and also the fundamental rules of international law.


1. فارسی
الف) کتاب‌ها
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