
Assistant Prof., Department of Law, University of Payame Noor, Tehran, Iran


Kenyan domestic violence gave the first opportunity to exercise complementarity jurisdiction at the International Criminal Court due to the Kenyan government's unwilling in investigating and prosecuting the accused in ICC. Prosecutor used the first opportunity to conduct research in Kenyan case according to his own discretion. Unwillingness of Kenyan government in prosecuting authorities over their international crimes has different criteria which are recognized with the "same person/same conduct" criterion in this case. Kenyan government challenged the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in accepting Kenyan case because of its ambiguities. But prosecutors and judges of the Court used this criterion to prove that the Kenyan government did not investigation or prosecution against those individuals accused in the Court or they did not prosecute the related conduct of them. The question is whether the criteria for identifying "the same person, the same conduct" as considered by ICC, is ambiguous and precludes exercise complementarity jurisdiction in Kenya situation? Determinants of this criterion in Kenya situation indicate that the Kenyan government has not used its Criminal jurisdiction appropriately. Therefore, International Criminal Court has complementarity jurisdiction in this case.


  1. فارسی               

الف) کتاب‌ها

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B)      Articles

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C)      Cases

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  1. ICC, Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Admissibility and Abuse of Process Challenges, Case No. ICC‐01/05‐01/08‐802, 24 June 2010.
  1. ICC, Prosecutor v. Muthaura et al., Prosecutor’s Application Pursuant to Article 58, Case No. ICC-01/09-02/11, 15 Dec. 2010.
  1. ICC, Situation in the Republic of Kenya, Decision Pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute on the Authorization of an Investigation into the Situation in the Republic of Kenya, Case No. ICC-01/09-19-Corr, 31 March 2010.
  2. ICC, Situation in the Republic of Kenya, Judgment on the Appeal of the Republic of Kenya Against the Decision of Pre-trial Chamber II of 30 May 2011 Entitled: Decision on the Application by the Government of Kenya Challenging the Admissibility of the Case Pursuant to Article 19(2)(b) of the Statute, Case No. ICC-01/09-02/11-274, 30 Aug. 2011.