
1 Ph.D. Student in International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Prof., Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Generally,according to the statutes of international organizations,the precondition for membership in those organizations is that the applicant institution should be state.According to Article 4 of the United Nations Charter,only states can become members of the United Nations.When a State become a member of the United Nations,other states that have voted in favor of new member,acknowledge new member as a state and recognize it.After the adoption of resolution 19/67 by United Nations General Assembly, the status of Palestine was enhanced to non-member observer state. One of the major issues that has generally been raised since the issuance of the recent resolution was the collective recognition of Palestine by the UN General Assembly.In this sense,the states that voted in favor of resolution 19/67 have also somehow recognized the Palestinian state because because with their positive pole acknowledge the existence of the Palestinian state.In the author's opinion,the vote in favor of membership of a state in international organizations,especially the United Nations,implicitly recognize a new member.In the case of Palestine, although it has not become a member of the United Nations,the resolution acknowledge Palestine as a state that implicitly lead to recognized Palestinian as a state through the General Assembly of the United Nations.


  1. . فارسی

    الف) کتاب‌ها

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    2. انگلیسی


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