
1 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

2 MA. Student in Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran


In the new information and communication space, ordinary people equipped with communicative technologies, have the ability to discover the real personality of public figures or satisfy their own curiosity by revealing their private information and photos. This situation arises from a body of rights including the right to knowing, free access to information and freedom of expression in the new communicative space. But public and famous figures claim to have privacy that is contradictory with the rights aforementioned. This essay with an analytical method surveys relative conceptions and the judicial precedent of European court of human rights and discuss the relation between the privacy right of public figures especially politicians and the modern information and communication space. The judicial precedent of countries and European court of human rights propose criterion for resolving aforementioned contradiction. This essay by distinguishing between politicians and other famous figures conclude that disclosure of private information and photos of public figures according to the circumstances won't be contradictory with the privacy right, if it is for more clarification of their personality and comparing their private behavior with their formal positions in order to establish a debate containing a public interest.


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D) Documents
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