
Assistant professor, International Relations and Law Department, Faculty of Soft Technology and Management, Malek Ashtar Industrial University, Tehran, Iran


During recent 3 years, Yemen faced serious violations of many fundamental principles of humanitarian law. During the war, the Saudi government committed several actions, including violating the principle of separation and attacking civilian populations and the use of banned weapons. The international community was waiting for the response of influential institutions and governments, especially the UN Security Council, but those institutions were silent against the obvious violation of humanitarian law in Yemen. The purpose of this study is to identify the most important cases of violation of international humanitarian law by Saudi Arabia during the armed conflicts in Yemen. The study has been conducted through a descriptive-analytical method. The result of this study shows that in attacking Yemen Saudi Arabia, has violated many of the principles of international humanitarian law, including principle of limitation of choosing of any method and means of warfare, principle of the prohibition of attacks on civilian populations and residential areas. For this reason, Saudi Arabia has international responsibility and must be prosecuted by the International Criminal Court.


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