
1 Assistant Prof. Department of Law, University of Payame Noor. Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Prof., Department of Law, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


The Government of Uganda after the US failure in LRA disability and lack of success in advancing peace talks with them, the Supreme Court of Uganda referred to the status of criminal. The leaders of the insurgent in the new conditions with the best interests of the peace talks with the Government of Uganda continued to negotiate from a dealer. The Government of Uganda welcomed the conditions, but the final peace agreement, signed by refugees to return and the Analects of criminal file and cancel the arrest the leaders of the insurgent conditional sentences. The Government of Uganda signed a contract to meet the demands of peace and of Justice, the final acceptance of the traditional mechanism of subject. While the Government of Uganda on the verge of preparing local insurgent leaders with regard to the trial, it was the branch of the criminal can be set to a file on your admission and appropriate to maturity. With this preliminary approach the branch indicated that in the battle between peace and justice, the realization of Justice is more important for his eligibility and any pretext out of the provisions of the Statute of the Court criminal case underway in Criminal Court can not be stopped or extradited.


1. فارسی
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