1. فارسی
الف) کتابها
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ب) مقالات
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ج) سخنرانیها
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2. انگلیسی
A) Books
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B) Articles
21. Bilkova, Veronika.,(2014). ‘’Belligerent Reprisals in Non-International Armed Conflict’’, International and Comparative Quarterly,Vol. 63, Issue
22. Frulli, Micaela, (2011). ‘’The Criminalization of Offences against Cultural Heritage in Times of Armed Conflict: The Quest for Consistency’’, The European Journal of International Law, Vol. 22 no.1
23. Newton, Michael. A.,(2010). ‘’Reconsidering Reprisals’’, Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law.
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24. Pictet, Jean S. et al. (1952). ‘’Commentary on Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949’’, Vol.1, Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Geneva, ICRC.
25. Rubin, Avshalom, (2017).‘’The Limits of the Land: How the Struggle for the West Bank Shaped’’,Indiana, Indiana University Press.
D) Websites:
27. Additional Protocol II of 1977, available at:
29. Brussles Declaration, 1874- ICRC databases on International Humanitarian Law, Available at: http://ihl-databases.icrc.org/ihl/INTRO/135
34. Resolutions adopted by the United Nations Security Conucil, Available at:
40. United Nations General Assembly, Resolutions 25/26, 1970, Available at: