
1 Prof., Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Public Law, Faculty of Law, Tehran University College of Farabi, Qom, Iran


Theories of success, justice and satisfaction in the field of efficiency are the most important and significant scientific ideas in determining the relation between the two terms "Economic Justice" and "Efficiency". The relationship between economic justice and the efficiency of the system in the studies of the theoretical foundations of the Constitution Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran can be characterized by three approaches of neutrality, opposition and coordination, mainly based on the coordination approach. Despite existing coherence between economic justice and efficiency in theoretical studies, in terms of executive deviations in the realization of justice in practice, the improvement of the efficiency of the system also faces serious challenges. In addition, according to the Constitution Law and detailed negotiation of parliamentary, the final review of that law, economic justice is coordinated and aligned with economic efficiency such as "Efficiency" that can together bring the sustainability of a political system. In terms of economic studies in the field of ordinary laws such as tax laws, the contradiction between economic justice and the sub-elements of economic efficiency is considered. It is therefore, necessary, that in view of the existing coordination between economic justice and economic efficiency in the supranational documents, at lower legislative and executive levels, the greatest effort is made to strike a balance between some of the components which are in contradiction.


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