Document Type : Article


PhD, University of Aix Marseille 3, France


The focus on the issue of Quality of Laws in the last decade in Iran necessitates conducting a study on and discussing different aspect of the issue. Aspects and facets of quality of law are extended, complex, and they need high precision. The initial steps of the study include conceptual and theoretical underpinnings and final steps entail practical solution for increasing the level of quality of laws. In the present study, five solutions to increase the level of quality of laws are introduced. The solutions are practiced in different countries; however, they have never been discussed as a set of ways to increase the level of quality of laws altogether. Three solutions increase formal and material characteristics of the laws, i.e. consultation prior to the tabling of the bill, use of linguistic experts, and use of experimental legislation. The other solutions, i.e. codification, and specific law on quality of laws, provide the appropriate legal system environment for increasing the level of quality of laws. Undoubtedly, using these solutions, all of them as a whole, have a significant effect on achieving a good law


1. فارسی
الف) کتاب‌ها
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ب) مقالات
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2. انگلیسی
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