Document Type : Article


Assistant Prof., Department of Law, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


Carl Schmitt as one of the most important legal thinkers of the twentieth century has a complex and difficult thought. On public law, Schmidt has spoken differently about both its foundations and concepts. The Constitution as one of the key concepts of public law is one of those that Schmidt has spoken about. He did not accept the common and modern understanding of the Constitution as a superior and written document and by dividing the Constitution and the constitutional laws, he concentrated his theory on the concept of constitution and spoke of four types of absolute constitution, relative constitution, positive constitution, and ideal constitution. His most disagreed with the relative constitution, that is, the prevailing conception of the Constitution, which he regarded as a departure from the true meaning of the constitution. The constitution in his thought is precisely related to the concept of constituent power and the people and plays an important role in uniting people. This article attempts to explain this concept in Schmitt's thought.


1. فارسی
الف) کتاب‌ها
1. مرادخانی، فردین (1398)، «بررسی مفهوم قانون اساسی: تکوین و تحول»، مندرج در مجموعه مقالات همایش اصول نانوشته قانون اساسی. قم: دارالعلم.
ب) مقالات
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