Document Type : Article


1 Assistant Prof., Department of Law, Faculty of Law and Theology, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran

2 A. in International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


International Water Law like other legal branches is composed of a set of substantive and procedural principles. In fact, international legal community has established different legal principles in order to solve the problem of allocation and distribution of international watercourses. Two of the most important of these principles that are widely accepted in international law, the practice of governments, the works of legal scholars, case law, and jurisprudence, are equitable and reasonable principles and no-harm principle. The prevailing view is that the principle of equitable and reasonable use is given priority and the principle of no-harm is in subordinate to this principle. A deeper look at the articles of the 1997 Convention and other legal documents in this field and judicial judgments shows that the principle of no-harm is an independent principle in international water law that there is no conflict between this principle and the principle of equitable and reasonable.


الف) کتاب‌ها
1. پورهاشمی، عباس؛ ارغند، بهاره (1392)، حقوق بین‌الملل محیط زیست، چ اول.
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