Document Type : Article


1 Assistant Prof., Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate in International Law, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran, Kish, Iran


Postmodernism, which emerged after the crises of modernity, has undertaken the mission of filling the void of modernity as a more flexible and peaceful approach than modern vision. In this sense, it should not be regarded as the end of modernism, but as a critique of it and its continuation and completion in the context of criticism of modern elements. The coincidence of its heyday with the increasing speed of the establishment of international institutions, including the United Nations, obviously has made the charter affected. The Charter and the Statute of the International Court of Justice (as an integral part of the Charter and the United Nations' legal arm) have passed numerous challenges by establishing postmodern approaches in order to safeguard its mission.


1. فارسی
الف) کتاب‌ها
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