1. فارسی
الف) کتابها
1. بانچ، شارلوت (1382)، تحول در حقوق بشر از منظر فمینیستی، سعیده حمیدی، روشنگران و مطالعات زنان.
2. جمعیت حمایت از حقوق بشر زنان: شهیندخت ملاوردی و همکاران (1385)، مقابله با خشونت علیه زنان در کشورهای اسلامی، تهران: حقوقدان.
3. کار، مهرانگیز (1389)، پژوهشی دربارۀ خشونت علیه زنان در ایران، روشنگران و مطالعات زنان.
4. مصفا، نسرین؛ ملاوردی، شهین (1385)، کالبدشکافی خشونت علیه زنان، تهران: حقوقدان.
5. مور، آلن؛ کرنبلت، سارا (1390)، پیشبرد حقوق افراد معلول: گفت و شنود ایران و آمریکا در مورد حقوق، سیاست و دادخواهی، استیمسون سنتر.
2. انگلیسی
A) Books
1. Beqiraj J., McNamara L. & Wicks D. (2017), Access to justice for persons with disabilities: From international principles to practice, International Bar Association
2. Bunch, Charlotte (1382), Transforming human rights from a feminist perspective. Translated by: Hamidi, Saeedeh. Illustrations and women study publication(in Persian).
3. Guernsey, Nicoli & Ninio (2007), World Bank, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Its Implementation and Relevance for the World Bank, SP Discussion Paper No. 0712, 13, available at http://siteresources. worldbank.org/SOCIALPROTECTION/Resources/SP-Discussion-papers/Disability-DP/0712.pdf (last visited Feb. 22, 2011).
4. Kar, Mehrangiz (1389), A Research on violence against women in Iran. Illustrations and women study publication. First edition (in Persian).
5. Mollaverdi, Shahindokht and others, (1385), Women human rights and support society:opposes violence against women in Islamic countries. Jurist publication, first edition (in Persian).
6. Moore Allen, Kornblet Sarah (2011), Advancing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A US–Iran Dialogue on Law, Policy, and Advocacy, The Henry L. Stimson Center
7. Moore, Allen & carnbelt, serah (1390), Advancing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A US – Iran Dialogue on Law, Policy, and Advocacy, Stimson Center (in Persian).
8. Mosaffa, Nasrin & Mollaverdi, shahin (1385) analyzing violence against women, jurist publication.(in Persian)
9. OHCHR Europe Regional Office (2010), “Forgotten Europeans, forgotten rights: the human rights of persons placed in institutions”
10. Ortoleva, Stephanie and Lewis, Hope (2012), Forgotten Sisters -
A Report on Violence Against Women with Disabilities: An Overview of its Nature, Scope, Causes and Consequences, Northeastern University School of Law Research Paper No. 104-2012. Available at SSRN:
11. Persephone (2008), “Violence against women with a disability”, Antwerp West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2.
B) Articles
12. Abu Habib, Lina (1995), “Women and Disability Don't Mix! Double Discrimination and Disabled Women's Rights”, Gender and Development, Vol. 3, No. 2.
13. Bottoms, Nysse-Carris, Harris and Tyda (2003), “Jurors’ perceptions of adolescent sexual assault victims who have intellectual disabilities”, Law and Human Behavior, Vol. 27, No. 2
14. Flynn Eilionoir (2016), Disabled Justice?: Access to Justice and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Routledge
15. Frohmader C., Dowse L., Didi A. (2015), ‘Preventing Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities: Integrating A Human Rights Perspective’, Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA).
16. Hershkowitz, Lamb, Horowitz (2007), “Victimization of Children With Disabilities”, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 77, (Issue 4). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1037/0002-9432.77.4.629 (last access on 03/02/2019).
C( Theses
17. Lawson Anna (2007), The United Nations Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities: New Era or False Dawn, 34 SYRACUSE J. INT’L. L. & COM
D) Documents and Reports
19. A/HRC/17/L.6 (10 June 2011), Available at: http://ap.ohchr.org/documents/ dpage_e.aspx?si=A/HRC/17/L.6.
20. A.HRC.20.5, 2012. Available at: https://www2.ohchr.org/ english/issues/women/docs/A.HRC.20.5.pdf
21. Amnesty International, Democratic Republic of Congo: Mass rape - time for remedies, 25 October 2004. Available from http://www.amnesty.org/en/ library/info/AFR62/018/2004.
22. E/C.12/2005/4 - S - E/C.12/2005/4 available at: https://undocs.org /es/E/C.12/2005/4
23. CEDAW/C/GR no. 19, 1992 available at: https://www.ohchr.org/en/hrbodies /cedaw/pages/recommendations
25. CRC/C/GC/13), 2011 available at: www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies /crc/docs/crc.c.gc.13_en.pdf
26. CRPD/C/GC/3, 2016 available at: https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts /.../Download.aspx?symbolno=CRPD/C/GC/3...en
28. UN.Doc.A/HRC/17/26 (May 2, 2011) (by Rashida Manjoo), available at: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncihdocs/17session/A-HRC-17-26.pdf.]
29. UNDP, Access to Justice: Practice Note, (Sept. 3, 2004), at 3, (http://www.undp.org/governance/docs/Justice_PN_English.pdf
30. unga/res/42/104, 1987.
32. World Health Organization (WHO), World Report on Disability (Geneva, 2011), Available at: www.who.int/disabilities/world_report/2011/en