Document Type : Article
1 Prof., Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 Ph.D. Student in International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran,Tehran, Iran
The United Nations Convention against Corruption, which the Islamic Republic of Iran is its member, has criminalized illicit enrichment related to significant increase in assets of public officials which is not consistent with their legitimate income. However, some critics believe that this way of criminalization contradicts to some principles such as presumption of innocence, right to silence, and the principle of legality. Scrutinizing this issue in the Iranian criminal system, this study shows that the elements of illicit enrichment have enough transparency and don't violate the principle of legality. As well, the prediction of the necessity of existence of legal presumptions would resolve the problem of its contradiction to the presumption of innocence. In addition, the unnecessity of proving via self-incrimination would reject any contradictions to the right to silence. As a result, acceptance of illicit enrichment seems to be in accordance with Iranian domestic law.
- فارسی
الف) کتابها
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