Document Type : Article


Associate Prof., Department of Human Rights, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Managing conflicts of interests is a means for preventing corruption and increasing public transparency, efficiency, accountability and trust. Every government employee may face a conflict of private and public interests. Therefore, conflict of interest in the public sector must be properly managed, otherwise it could lead to corruption. Many countries have adopted laws on the management of conflict of interests but there is no specific law on this matter in the Iranian legal system; although some general laws on combating corruption have made explicit or implicit references to this concept. Nonetheless, in recent times a political will for addressing the problem of conflict of interest situations in the public sector has emerged. In fact, a bill about this issue has been drafted by the Iranian government, and, some general laws such as the Commerce Code have been amended for this purpose. Based on a comparative study, this paper intends to conceptualize conflict of interest management and then to elaborate the main areas of conflict of interest in the public sector and methods by which they can be managed.


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