Document Type : Article
1 Associate Prof. Department of Law, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran
2 Ph.D student in International Law, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran
Common Article 1 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the First Additional Protocol, open a new chapter on the concept and nature of states obligations to respect and ensure respect for humanitarian law in the occupied territories and impose binding obligations on occupying states. The present research, aims to answer the following question: the responsibility of the Israeli occupying forces to fight and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the occupied Palestinian territories are organized and justified on what legal and intellectual foundations? Using a descriptive-analytical method, the paper provides a legal analysis of the existing facts. It is believed that despite the commitments of the occupying Israeli forces to ensure respect for international humanitarian law under Common Article 1 of the Geneva Conventions in terms of preventing and fighting COVID-19 as a vital example of the right to health and the protection of public health of the inhabitants of the occupied Palestinian territories, ensuring the actual implementation of these fundamental human rights faces serious challenges.
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- D) Instruments
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- Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), (8 June 1977)
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- E) Websites
-, Rules of Customary International Humanitarian Law.
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- E3BFD67926CE0BF856E08277D6218C7C#:~:text=This%20book%20explores%20the%20international,and%20international%20human%20rights%20law.
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