Document Type : Article
1 Ph.D. in International Law, Department of Public & International Law, College of Law and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 . Prof., Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
According to numerous international and regional human-rights instruments, states are obliged to respect and preserve the right to education equally and without any discrimination. Gender discrimination deprives girls and women of the right to equal education. The prohibition of gender discrimination has been directly and indirectly enshrined in regional and international instruments, and states have been called upon to provide equal access to education for all human beings. The main question of this article is about how to demand the implementation of the right to equal education from states in case of its violation. Based on this research, which has been conducted using and citing international and regional instruments, it will be argued that victims of gender discrimination can claim their rights through judicial, quasi-judicial, and non-judicial mechanisms at the regional and international level from the states.
- فارسی
الف) کتابها
- انصاری، باقر (1393)، حق آموزش: حق کودک به آموزش در نظام بینالمللی حقوق بشر، چ اول، تهران: مؤسسة مطالعات و پژوهشهای حقوقی شهر دانش.
- قاری سید فاطمی، سید محمد (1395)، حقوق بشر در جهان معاصر، ج 1 و 2، چ سوم، تهران: مؤسسة مطالعات و پژوهشهای حقوقی شهر دانش.
- میر عباسی، سید باقر؛ میر عباسی، فرناز (1395)، نظام جهانی ارزیابی و حمایت از حقوق بشر: مطالعه نقش ارکان اصلی و شورایی سازمان ملل متحد، ج 1، چ دوم، تهران: جنگل.
ب) مقالات
- نیاورانی، صابر (1389)، «منزلت حق بر آموزش در نظام بینالمللی حقوق بشر»، مجلة تحقیقات حقوقی، پاییز و زمستان، ش 52، ص 201-176.
- انگلیسی
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