Document Type : Article
Assistant Prof., Department of Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
Due to the destructive effects of natural disasters in our time, protecting the environment has become necessary to ensure the stability and security of human society. Ensuring environmental security requires prevention of environmental degradation and natural disasters. Therefore, a kind of academic and practical interaction has emerged between environmental law and natural-disasters law that help them reinforce each other. Environmental law, with its mechanisms to prevent environmental degradation and adaptation to environmental change, contributes to the prevention and reduction of the adverse effects of natural disasters. It is also contributes to the growth of the natural-disasters law. By providing legal rules for emergency situations, natural-disasters law can improve the enforcement of environmental law by making it necessary to ensure environmental security. This paper will examine how environmental security can be ensured through preventing natural disasters and transforming environmental law by the implementation of legal rules on emergency situations. The implementation of such rules in environmental law through legislation and regulation can ensure environmental security. It can also prioritize the protection of vulnerable ecosystems.
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