Document Type : Article


Assistance Prof., Department of International Relations, Ferdowsi university of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


The end of the Cold War has led to profound developments in the sphere of thought, in particular, political concepts such as the principle of non-interference in internal affairs, the principle of sovereignty and the protection of human rights. Since the early 1990s, states have controversially resorted to the use of armed force to stop the blatant violation of humanitarian and human rights, namely humanitarian intervention. Accordingly, this paper seeks to answer the question whether humanitarian intervention can be justifies on the basis of Aquinas's "just war" doctrine? The hypothesis of the present paper is that the thought of Aquinas intervention is not rejected and has some legitimacy based on concepts such as legitimate authority, just cause, true intention and the principle of proportionality of the intervention. Due to the changing nature of the conflict and the concept of "military humanitarianism", it analyzes the doctrine of Aquinas' legitimate war and examines the legitimacy of humanitarian intervention within the context of Aquinas's theory of war, and the current understanding of the moral, legal, and political conditions of war.


  1.  English

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