Document Type : Article


Prof. Department of Law, Faculty of Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


In the current international system, several entities both possess elements of the state and also effectively exercise sovereignty over a territory but have not been recognized by the international community as states. This article introduces these states and examines their legal status. The main questions of this article are:  what are the specific examples of de facto states in the present international community? What are the reasons for the legitimacy of these entities from their own point of view?  Why the international community has so far refused to accept and recognize them? The author hypothesizes that there are cur rently seven de facto states .The reason for the lack of recognition of many of these states is that their establishment is seen as violation of the rule against the use of force. In some cases, fears of the domino effect of separatism or political considerations about the important position of the mother state on the world stage have prevented recognition of these states. We will study this issue on the basis of analytical-descriptive method and using library resources.


  1. English

    1. A) Books
    2. Bahcheli, Tozun (2004), " Under Turkey’s wings: The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the struggle for international acceptance", in: Tozun Bahcheli, Barry Bartmann and Henry Srebrnik (eds.), De Facto States: The quest for sovereignty, Routledge, pp.164-186.
    3. Brownlie Ian (1998), Principles of Public International law, Oxford University Press, fifth Edition.
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    1. B) Articles
    2. Arieff , Alexis (2008), "De Facto Statehood? The Strange Case of Somaliland", Yale Journal of International Affairs, Vol.3, No.2, pp.60-79.
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    5. Grzybowski, Janis (2017), " To Be or Not to Be: The Ontological Predicament of State Creation in International Law", European Journal of International Law, Vol. 28, Issue 2, pp. 409–432.
    6. Kreuter, Aaron (2010), "Self-Determination, Sovereignty, and the Failure of States: Somaliland and the Case for Justified Secession", Minnesota Journal of International Law, Vol. 19, No.2, pp.363-397.
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    10. Weller, marc (1992), "The International Response to the Dissolution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia", American Journal of International Law, Vol.86, Issue 3,pp.569.607.


    1. C) Other Documents and cases
    2. ICJ Advisory Opinion, Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo, 22 July 2010
    3. ILC Ybk 1956/II, 107.
    4. ILAŞCU AND OTHERS v. Moldova and Russia Judgment, 2004.
    5. International Law Commission Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, 2001.


    References in Persian:

    1. A) Books
    2. Shaheydar, Abdolkarim & Moaiedian, Amineh (2015), Legal Status of Self-Proclaimed States: from the International Law Perspective,Tehran: Majdlaw (In Persian).
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    1. B) Articles
    2. Azizi, Sattar (2010), "The Legal reasons and Position of Russia in recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and Non- recognition of Kosovo", International Law Review, Vol. 42, Spring-Summer, pp.65-87 (In Persian).
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    1. C) Thesis
    2. Hashi Abdurrahman, Sadia (2018), The right to self-determination of the people of Somaliland, Master's thesis in international law, Allameh Tabatabaei University (In Persian).