Document Type : Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Economic growth entails economic stability, and economic stability is also in the midst of stabilizing the rates and financial health that comes. Reaching this point requires monitoring the correct functioning of market factors. Therefore, the supervision of banking and monetary operations as an important part of the financial markets of the countries is a major concern of all governments. However, the conditions and limits of this monitoring are the subject of long discussions. In this paper, an analytical descriptive method has been used to examine the status of banking supervision and its adaptation to Basel's principles as a reliable international instrument. It is found that banking supervision in Iran for capital adequacy, validation, transparency of banks performance and authority of the supervisory authority are weak and It does not have the protective shield to deal with financial crises and potential misuses.


  1. Englsih

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