Document Type : Article


1 Assistant Prof. of law, Research Institute for political studies and International Relations and law, Institute of Humanities and cultural studies, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Since the 1950s, three movements have been formed to explain the relationship between the legal system and the various levels and dimensions of development, following the discourse of "law and development". However, various aspects of this relationship are still relatively unknown and somewhat neglected despite its gradual growth and development over the past four decades. For example, how the law affects development in different social, economic, political and cultural contexts in a normative and structured framework, regardless of specific spatial and temporal conditions. Accordingly, this article, discusses how the law affects development (with emphasis on economic development). The effectiveness of these mechanisms in the context of privatization in Iran has been analyzed. The results showed that more attention to these mechanisms is necessary for the effectiveness of laws and regulations of facilitating privatization in Iran.


  1. فارسی

الف) کتاب‌ها

  1. شاکری، عباس (1395)، مقدمه‌ای بر اقتصادی ایران، چ اول، رافع.
  2. مؤمنی، فرشاد (1386)، اقتصاد ایران در دوران تعدیل ساختاری، نقش و نگار.
  3. هارت، هربرت (1395)، مفهوم قانون، ترجمۀ محمد راسخ، چ پنجم، تهران: نی.


ب) مقالات

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