Document Type : Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Mofid University, Qom, Iran


Explaining and examining the principles of constitutionalism in Iran is one of the most basic topics in public law, political science and jurisprudence. The [1905] Constitutional Revolution was a seminal legal, political and social event. Contemporary Iranian thinkers have focused on various dimensions and angles of the revolution and presented different readings of it. One of these readings is that of Sheikh Ismail Mahallati, a constitutionalist jurists and the author of the treatise "Al-Laali al-Marbutah fi Wujub al-Mashrutah". This paper, using a descriptive-analytical method, seeks to describe the principles of constitutionalism and duties of the sovereign from the perspective of Mahallati. This paper’s findings suggest that Mahallati, using the Book [the Qur'an] and Sunnah [the sayings of the Prophet], believed that the principle of shura (consultation) is a Qur'anic principle and considered reason and the la-zarar (no-harm) principle as the justificational basis of constitutionalism. In addition, in his view, the sovereign is limited to executive affairs and cannot interfere in determining its instances, because from  Mahallati’s perspective, the exercise of sovereignty is a matter of representation during the absence [of the twelve Imam in the doctrine of Twelver Shi’ism]. 


Main Subjects

  1. A) Books
  2. Holy Quran translated by Mohammad Mehdi Fooladvand (In Persian).
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3.Abadian, H. (2007). Sheikh Ismail Mahallati and the Development of Constitutional Political Thought, in the Light of Constitutionalism. Tehran: Samadiyeh (In Persian).

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  3. Tabatabai, Seyed Mohammad Hussein (2000). Tafsir Al-Mizan. translated by Seyyed Mohammad Baqir Mousavi Hamedani, Qom: Islamic Publications Office, 11th edition (In Persian).
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  8. Mahallati, M. I. (1383 AH). Revising the research on the provisions of the three expenditures. with introduction: Hashem Rasooli Mahallati, Qom: Hekmat Printing House (In Persian).
  9. Mahallati, M. I. (2007). In the light of constitutionalism(review and the main text of the book La'ali al-Marbutah fi Oujub al-Mashrutah). Introduction by Ismail Rouhani, Tehran: Samadiyeh (In Persian).
  10. Moradkhani, F. (2017). Legal Reading of the Iranian Constitutional Revolution. Tehran: Mizan Publishing. (In Persian).
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  12. Makarem Shirazi, (under the supervision of) N. (1991). Rules of Jurisprudence. Vol.1. Qom: School of Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS), third edition (In Persian).
  13. Makarem Shirazi, (under the supervision of) N. (1995). Sample Interpretation. Vol.3, Tehran: Islamic Library, 32nd Edition (In Persian).
  14. Montazeri, H. A. (1991). Jurisprudential Foundations of Islamic Government. Vol.3, translated by Mohammad Salavati, Qom: Tafkar Publishing (In Persian).
  15. Movahed, M. A. (2018). Right and Abuse of it. Tehran: Karnameh Publishing (In Persian).
  16. Naini, M. H. (2007). Tanbih al-Ummah and Tanzih al-Mella. edited by Ruhollah Hosseinian, Tehran: Islamic Revolutionary Documentation Center (In Persian).
  17. Najafi, M. (2013). Foundation of Political Philosophy in Iran during the Constitutional Era. Tehran: Institute for the Study of Contemporary Iranian History (In Persian).

B( Articles

Pezeshki, M. (2006). Power Restriction Bill. Pegah Hozeh, 187, 78-84 (In Persian).

Hijri, M. (September and October 2006). Government in the Public Interest. Iran Perspective Bimonthly, 39, 81-86 (In Persian).


References In Arabic:

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