Document Type : Article


Prof, Department Of Public Law, Faculty Of Law and Political Science, University Of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Examining the relationship between Islam and human rights in the human cognitive system is one of the most important intellectual adventures. One of the areas that observe this thinking is the analysis of the proportional dimensions of the two by philosophers of science and religion. In Islamic countries, including Iran, the proportionality between human rights and Islam and the principles and rules of religion. , it has a sober tradition that this proportionality has been proposed within general frameworks such as the ratio of Sharia and law, the ratio of reason and religion, or the ratio of tradition and modernity. Examining the remaining works of the pioneers of theorizing shows that the various approaches that have been proposed in this regard, basically try to answer these concerns: whether Islam and human rights are the same reality. Do you have an opinion? Are Islam and human rights contradictory or complementary? Therefore, the main question of the article is, what approaches can be seen in the relativity between "human rights" and "Islam" in the works of advanced theorists? The research with a descriptive--analytical method and by examining the evolution of human rights foundations such as freedom, equality, justice, dignity, in the intellectual system of Iranian pre-constitutional thinkers, has introduced the relativistic approaches of Islam and human rights. The most important result of the research is that the interaction approach has a more solid logic compared to the comparison, interference and confrontation approaches. Those who say the interaction approach accept differences of opinion, but at the same time do not reject commonalities.


Main Subjects

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