Document Type : Article


1 PHD Student in Public law, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran‎

2 Prof., Department of Public law, Faculty of Law , university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran‎


Since Epicurus is known as a philosopher who generally advocates hedonism, it is believed that he cannot have a political or social theory. Few traces of him have remained. The difficulty of researching about him increases when we want to go beyond the essence of his philosophy and discuss its tangible legal and social dimensions. Although the importance of Epicurus's philosophy is due to the fact that the study of the philosophy of this period in the post-Renaissance centuries, with the formation of utilitarian schools and subsequently public law and government theory, seems to prove this point. Epicurean philosophy, based on its approach to the philosophy of life and encouraging people to live a life away from suffering and by limiting themselves to less troublesome pleasures, also in the social field, calls people to stay away from the political field and define their own happiness, beyond the reach of the government. The Epicurean state is a small, minimal state formed under the contract of individuals not to harm them, and these institutions are made by human beings who pursue tangible goals.


Main Subjects

  1. English

    1. A) books
    2. Festugiere ,A.-J. F. ) 1956(. Epicurus and His God. Harvard University Press,
    3. Scarre, G.; Epicurus as a Forerunner of Utilitarianism. Published online by Cambridge University Press, available online at: /article/abs/epicurus-as-a forerunner-of-utilitarianism.


    1. B) Articles
    2. Armstrong, J. M., (1997). Epicurean Justice. Phronesis, 42, 324–334, 1997, Available at SSRN:
    3. Bird-Pollan, J. (2016). Utilitarianism and Wealth Transfer Taxation. Arkansas Law Review, 69(3), 695-728. HeinOnline, .journals/arklr69&i=743.
    4. Chroust, Anton-Hermann (1971). The Philosophy of Law of Epicurus and the Epicurean. American Journal of Jurisprudence, 16, 36-83. HeinOnline.
    5. Marsonet, M. (2019). Philosophy and Logical Positivism. Academicus International Scientific Journal, 32-36
    6. Roskam, G. (2012). Will the Epicurean Sage Break the Law if He is Perfectly Sure that He Will Escape Detection? A Difficult Problem Revisited. Transactions of the American Philological Association,142(1), 23–40.
    7. Schofield, M. (2007). Epicureanism and Politics. The Classical Review, vol. 57, no. 1, Cambridge University Press, , 179–81,


    1. C) websites
    2. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy(IEP) (ISSN 2161-0002), available online at:

    "Epistemology "Edited by Matthew McGrath (Washington University in St. Louis), available online at:


    References in Persian:

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