Document Type : Article


1 PhD student, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr Branch, Mazandaran. Iran

2 Faculty Members, Islamic Azad University of Ghaemshahr Branch, Mazandaran. Iran

3 Faculty Members, Islamic Azad University of Babol Branch. Mazandaran. Iran


As a result of human activities in the last few decades, the environment has caused irreparable damage to the planet. This has prompted governments to formulate and implement various environmental laws and regulations in all dimensions. The purpose of this article is to examine the bases of requiring countries to comply with international environmental rules and regulations, emphasizing the unilateral approach of some countries towards withdrawing from environmental treaties. The results show that the Paris Agreement focuses most on developing countries. While the most environmental pollution is caused by developed countries. The bad faith of some countries such as America, China and Russia and the withdrawal and ignoring of this convention clearly showed that some countries have not played their role properly in this field. As a result, dealing with these challenges in the world involves the cooperation of everyone - governments, the private sector, civil society - to prioritize risk reduction as well as fairness and justice in decision-making and investment.


Main Subjects

  1. English

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