Document Type : Article


Associate Prof., University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services, Tehran, Iran


In this paper, after a review on the structural location, duties, authorities and responsibilities of the ministers and the rules of selecting, vote of confidence, resignation, dismissal, question and interpellation in the constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran, the special situation of the minister of justice will be verified. It is obvious that minister of justice is in the same principal location of the ministers; but he has a special situation in this location. The origin of this special situation stems from the constitution of I. R. of Iran; because it has changed the pre-revolution structure of administration of justice that according to it, the minister of justice was the administrator of the justice in the country. The basic question of this research is that the system that is founded on the principle 160 of the constitution of I. R. of Iran, how and how far is contingent for regulating the relations of the Judiciary power with other powers, with respect to the Judicial independence. Some problems are not yet been solved. Some prescriptions are prepared in this paper.


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