Document Type : Article


1 Faculity of Law-Shahid beheshti University

2 Shahid behehti university, faculty of law


Laws and regulations are an important manifestation of the government's basic approaches to various international issues. Especially, depending on the issue, the law or regulation in a country may have an international aspect, or basically the law or regulation is established in order to determine the main strategies of the government in facing international issues.Several principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Constitution, especially its principles (152) and (154), are directly related to the concept of "non-intervention" in international law. The expressions used in these principles, such as "negation of seeking domination and acceptance of domination", "abstaining completely from interfering in the internal affairs of other nations" and "supporting the rightful struggle of the oppressed against the oppressors" show the active approach of the Constitution towards the issue of intervention; Although it is accompanied by ambiguities in some cases, it outlines an approach that, while being independent, is in line with the principles and rules of international law.

Iran's subject law has not had a clear approach in establishing normal laws related to the principle of non-intervention, and in most cases, legislation in this field has been reactive.


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