Document Type : Article


1 Assistant Prof. Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in International Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran (Pardise Alborz), Tehran, Iran


Undoubtedly, human rights are among the achievements of modern international law. One of the most controversial topics in this field is the binding origin of its rules. It is obvious that those human rights rules that have a contractual origin are accepted by the signatories. But the problem starts precisely from the fact that some subjects of international law (international organizations) are not members of human rights treaties, except in exceptional cases such as the European Union, and in case of violation of the mentioned provisions, they will not be held responsible. To solve this problem, it is necessary to find a non-contractual source  which can cover all subjects of international law, especially international organizations.


Main Subjects

  1. English

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    5. Johansen, S. (2020). The Human Rights Accountability Mechanisms of International Organizations. Universitetet i Oslo pp:1-5.


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    1. C) Documents
    2. Cf ,Advisory Opinion OC -21/14, para 60, November,9, 2020.

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    1. Committee on the Enforcement of Human Rights law (1992), Interim Report on the Status of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in National and International law, in Report of the sixty-fifth Conference, P.446.
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    5. Repot on the human rights situation in the republic of Iran by the special representative of the commission Mr. Reynoldo Galindo Pohl, appointed pursuant to resolution 1986/41, U.N.DOC.E/CN.4. 4/1987/23, Para 22.
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    8. GA/ Res/73/203, 18,Dec 2018.


    1. D) ICJ REPORTS:
    2. C.J Rep, 1994: para. 4
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    1. E) Cases

    59.Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against (Nicaragua v. U.S.A), merits, ICJ reports 1986 .

    1. Report No 62/02. Case 12.285, 22 October 2002.
    2. United States، court of appeals of the second circuit, Filartiga v. Pena Irala, 630 Fzd 878/1980.
    3. Kadi, at para 22: Yusuf at para227, March 9, 2008.
    4. European Court of Human Rights : Al-Adsani v. U.K(2001)34 EHRR 273,para61.International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: Prosecutor v Furundzija Case IT95-17/I-T.38ILM(1999)317
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