Document Type : Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Qom University, Qom, Iran

2 PhD Student in Public Law, Faculty of Law, Qom University, Qom, Iran


The disruption of contemporary representative democracies in the reflection of the public will in legal-political systems has led to the rotation of the formal system of transfer of power to the informal system, depleting democracy and confronting contemporary societies with numerous crises, including the crisis of legitimacy. This article examines the concept of constitutional Power and the constitutional form in Jürgen Habermas's legal philosophy in order to determine the ideal system of exercising power. The paper argues that the concept of the constitutional Power must be embedded in a constitutional theory that can explain the difference between legitimate law and the mere use of power. Accordingly, Habermas a participatory democracy based on structural principles including a world life outside control of government and market, a public sphere based on communicative actions and the principles of behavior including legitimate law that has passed the filter of public discourse, realization of the ethics of discourse including freedom, equality and absorption and the backgrounda of modern society with Self-founded Reason prescribe foundation as a solution to crises of contemporary societies. Habermas's theory can convincingly state the general conditions of constitutionalism and legitimate legislation that exercise private and public autonomy in the legal system.


Main Subjects

  1. English

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