Document Type : Article


1 Prof, Faculty of law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Pro, Faculty of law and Political Science, University of Chamran martyr of Ahwaz University, Ahvaz, Iran


Jürgen Habermas is one of the most prominent thinkers of the Frankfurt School, who tried to reconstruct Marxism with a Hegelian reading and to elevate the critical school. Like Marx, he believed in the foundations of modernity and the resulting rationalism; But he saw modernity as an unfinished project. He believed that in the capitalist mode of production a new form of law and justice was formed and independent public sphere institutions emerged; But in late capitalism, government interference in private affairs and the dissolution of society within the state led to the decline of the public sphere, and public institutions found a consultative position. So much of Habermas's thinking was devoted to proposing the theory of "communicative action" to reconstruct the public sphere; Because it is only in the public sphere that rationality is found that true democracy is formed. Habermas proposes a legal theory of rule-of-law democracy based on ethics, politics, and the rights of dialogue. Habermas's starting point in the theories of law and dialogue is the presentation of a plan for the creation of real and legal equality of citizens, which begins with a critique of the two paradigms of bourgeois liberalism and social welfare. This article seeks to prove by descriptive-analytical method that in the critique of Habermas capitalism, like Marx, he has not been able to present a pragmatic theory and has distanced himself from the just discourse of Marxism.


Main Subjects

  1. English

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