Document Type : Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 MA. in Public Law, Faculty of Law, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran.



The thought and legal system in relation to the concreteness that traces the historicity of affairs, is a problem at the opposite point of what is observed by legal normativism. When legal rule-normativism with an abstract mechanistic view of concepts, categories and legal matters confronts the determined reality, then leave out the concreteness and the historical view of affairs. Although concrete thinking about affairs among legal thinkers has many schools and sects, one of these significant and influential schools is Neo-Kantianism, which although at first appears to be in conflict with historical thinking about affairs, but throughout its continuity thinkers some of its thinkers such as Gustav Radbruch has attempted to pay attention to the matter. While he maintaining the separation of "is" from "ought", he has presented the historical in his thought, concepts and legal categories, and accordingly he considers the development of legal thoughts on the basis of historical periods and observes the specific definition of a certain type of human in each period. Dealing with the place and role of human in determining order and legal thought is one of the important insights that this perspective provides for the legal situation of Iran, especially regarding the codification of laws and statutes - of course, according to its own requirements.


Main Subjects

  1. English

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    13. Kinzel, K. (2021). historical thought in German neo-Kantianism. in British journal for the history of philosophy, Vol. 29, No.4, May, 579-589.
    14. L. Paulson, S. (1995). Radbruch on unjust laws: competing earlier and later views?. in oxford journal legal studies, 15(3), 489-500.
    15. Radbruch, Gustav (2006). ‘five minutes of legal philosophy’ in oxford journal of legal studies, 26(1), 13-15.

    17.Radbruch, G. (2020). Law’s image of the human’ trans by Valentin Jeutner, in oxford journal of legal studies, 40(4), 667-681.


    1. آلمانی
    2. A) Books and Articles
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