Document Type : Article


1 Prof., Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph. D., Department of Law, College of Law and Administraton, University of Halabja, Halabja, 46018, Iraq


The fragility and instability of peace issues in the world, requires investigating the factors of this instability from the perspective of international law, especially, Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter. This paper seeks to examine the reason for the instability of peace from a legal point of view and also to provide legal and objective solutions in order to help the peace process to end the armed conflicts, adapting the negotiations, agreements to the rules of international law. In this context, the premise of this paper is the  chapter 6 of the charter, the agreements made, the role of the security council, the general assembly and international judicial institutions, but in order to synchronize these processes, we need a legal evaluation so that peace is realized and the end of this process really contributes to the establishment of peace, not a peace to start the war again. What we are witnessing, the opinionated approaches to the fight against violence and its symbols. Inspite of inequalities and injustices, it is naturally not possible to talk about lasting peace without considering strong legal structures. Therefore, investigating legal solutions for creating a constructive and sustainable peace are necessary to protect the peace-making process.


Main Subjects

  1. English

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