Document Type : Article


1 PhD Student, Department of International Law, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Prof., Department of Law, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Actions such as illegal unilateral sanctions and politically motivated dumping may cause instability in the politico-economic system of the targeted country which can lead to human consequences, fear, and terror including economic terrorism. However, as international law stands now, there is no instrument defining economic terrorism, determining its instances and specifying legal and practical mechanisms  to confront it. This paper aims to examine economic terrorism and its instances and create mechanisms as well as a codified legal system to deal with this issue. Economic terrorism in the form of imposing unilateral economic sanctions contrary to international law and dumping is illegal and inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, international customary trade law and UN Security Council resolutions. Therefore, to counter economic terrorism, it is necessary to give a precise and legally comprehensive definition of this kind of terrorism in international instruments acceptable to the international community. The present study is based on a descriptive-analytical method.


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