Document Type : Article


1 PhD Student in Public Law, Department of International and Public Law Faculty of Law, Divinity and Political Science; Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Prof., Department of Private and Islamic Law; Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Prof., Department Public Law; Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


One of the major challenges of online arbitration in recent years, has been that some companies and traders have abused their superior economic position (especially in e-commerce field) against the weaker parties to the contract;  for instance, they have attempted to insert some unfair terms in the contract without clear notification to other party, or they have excessively approached to such tribunals, so that, strengthened the assumption of colluding and influencing managers and arbitrator working in those tribunals. These problems have raised some concerns and questions in the minds of policymakers and jurists about role of government in balancing power between litigants, as well as the philosophy and principles of monitoring the performance of online arbitration tribunals.The present article, beside describing these unfair terms and unbalanced conditions between disputed parties; analyzing the legal and judicial procedure of pioneer countries in the field of ODR (US and EU) and examining the local law of Iran; attempts, for the purpose of providing effective support for the weaker parties, to submit some useful and practical recommendations, by taking into account of principle of fair trial, goals of e-Government and also the principles of transparency and participation as the main principles of good governance.


Main Subjects

  1. English

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    6. Rule, C., & Nagarajan, C. (2010). The Wisdom of Crowds: The e-Bay Community Court and the Future of Online Dispute Resolution. Quarterly Magazine of Association for Conflict Resolution, Winter, 4-7.


    1. C) Thesis and Dissertations
    2. Abootorabi Zarchi, M. H. (2007). Online Arbitration and Legal Problems. Dissertation for LLM Degree of International Trade Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Joint Degree by Queen Mary, University of London and Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran (English and Persian Languages).
    3. Dariya, B. (2017-2018). Weaker Parties in Online Arbitration. Dissertation for the Degree of Master 2 Internal and International Contracts, Faculty of Jean Monnet, Paris-Sud University.
    4. Qouteshat, O. H. (2017). The Enforcement of Electronic Arbitral Awards in International Commercial Disputes under the New York Convention. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Central Lancashire.


    1. D) Reports
    2. Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law and Policy, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Second Session Geneva, 3 –4 July 2017 (Internet Edition Prepared by the UNCTAD Secretariat), Available at: , Last visited: 2020/11/23).
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    1. E) Cases
    2. All American Roofing, Inc. v. Zurich American Ins., Inc., 404 Ill. App. 3d 438, 453 (2010)
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