Document Type : Article


1 Ph.D. in Private Law. Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics. University of Isfahan. Isfahan. Iran

2 Associate Prof., Department of Law, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran



Floating loss means natural compensation capabilities, the disappearance or invisibility of loss caused by harmful behavior or operations. The characteristics of the sea bed define the damage caused by maritime transportation to floating description, which creates an outstanding challenge for the protection of the legal systems of the marine environment. These challenges are in three areas: the possibility of assessing the damages, how to assessing them, and finally determining and issuing sentences regarding the damages.
The present article, using descriptive and analytical methods introduces the floating losses in the marine environment and its characteristics. Then comes to the conclusion that the lack of a specific victim in most of the marine damages, the fluidity of the losses and finally the lack of clear criteria in the assessment and compensation of marine damages has caused the ineffectiveness of the legal systems in protecting the marine environment. The article, through a strategy-oriented approach, suggests that to compensate the damages caused to the marine environment, the criterion is the estimation and relative evaluation of the damages, regardless of whether the damages are present or have disappeared or have been compensated naturally. Such estimation and evaluation are done in terms of scientific, economic and expert criteria. As a result, the judicial decision in this field is based on the approach of achievability and continuity of loss rather than its definite or objective substantiation.


Main Subjects

  1. English

    1. A) Books
    2. Falkanger, Th.; Bull, H. J., & Brautaset, L. (2011). Scandinavian Maritime Law: The Norwegian Perspective. 3d edition. Rusaanes Bokproduksjon AS.
    3. Md Saiful, K. (2015). Prevention of Pollution of the Marine Environment from Vessels. Germany: Springer.
    4. Andersson, K.; Brynolf, S.; Lindgren, J. F., & Wilewska-Bien, M. (2016). Shipping and the Environment, Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation. Germany, Springer.
    5. Faure, M., & Verheij, A.(2007). Shifts in Compensation for Environmental Damage. New York: SpringerWien.
    6. Rudall, J. (2020). Compensation for Environmental Damage under International Law. LONDON and NEW YORK: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Groop).
    7. Mustansar Hussain, Ch. (2020). The Handbook of Environmental Remediation, Classic and Modern Techniques, published on, doi: 10.1039/9781788016261-FP005.
    8. Maes, F. (2005). Marine Resource Damage Assessment, Liability and Compensation for Environmental Damage. Germany: Springer.


    1. B) Articles
    2. Rusu, I.; Coman, V. L., & Rusu-Balan, I. (2011). The Aquatic Environment Protection through Criminal Law. Journal of Danubian Studies and research, 1 (1), 80-98.
    3. Schultz, J. (1999). Balancing the Relationship between Trade and the Environment within the World Trade Organization: Is this the End of Sea Turtle?. Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, 4 (1), 35-56.
    4. Ehler, Ch. (2007). Protecting marine biodiversity and ecosystem: processes through marine protected areas beyond national jurisdiction. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, 6, 3-25.
    5. Wang, Y., & Zou, K. (2021). Compensation for Marine Ecological Damage: From "Tasman Sea" to "Sanchi". Sustainbility, 1313353.
    6. Nurul Islam, G.; Mohd Noh, K.; Shzee Yew, T., & Farhana Mohd Noh, A. (2013). Assesing Environmental Damage to Marine Protected Area: A Case Perhentian Marine Park in Malaysia. Journal of Agriculture Science. 5 (8), 132- 141.
    7. Gregory, R.; & Trousdale, W. (2009). Compensating Aboriginal Cultural Losses: An Alternative Approach to Assesing Environmental damages. Journal of Environmental Management. 2469- 2479.
    8. Martin-Ortega, J.; Brouwer, R., & Aiking, H. (2011). Application of a Value-Based equivalency Method to Access Environmental Damage Compensation under the European Environmental Liability Directive. Journal of Environmental Management. 1461- 1470.


    1. C) Thesis
    2. Sin Hyok, P. (2019). Compensation for Marine Environmental Damage from Ship-Source Pollution. a dissertation in Master of Science in Maritime Safety Environmental Management. World Maritime University (Dalian Maritime University).


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