Document Type : Article


1 .D. Student in (Public International Law), Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Tehran, Iran

2 Prof., Department of Public and International Law , Faculty of Law and Political ScienceAllameh Tabataba'iUniversity, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Prof. Department of Public and International Law, , Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Tehran, Iran



Kamal Khan Dam is one of Afghanistan's water facilities on the Helmand River, which has Common water basin with Iran. This water project has had many biological consequences for the Sistan and Hamun region. This study examines the compliance of the international legal system for the utilization and protection of waterways regarding the Kamal Khan Dam in Iran-Afghanistan relations. The purpose of this study is to investigate the conformity or non-conformity of construction and utilization of Kamal Khan Dam with the international legal system of utilization and protection of waterways, And it answers the question of what is the status of the principles and rules of international law of joint waterways in the implementation of the Kamal Khan Dam project? This conclusion was reached by analyzing the treaties, customs, principles and opinions of international courts, That the construction of a dam in Afghanistan is contrary to the general principles of international law, Reasonable and Equitable Principle and No-harm Principle. Also, according to the agreement between Iran and Afghanistan Helmand-River Water Traty 1351, Afghanistan agrees that it shall take no action to deprive Iran totally or partially of its water right to the water of the Helmand. Therefore, misuse and violation of the principles and rules of international law, including unsustainable use of international waterways, in addition to destroying the environment of Sistan, will threaten international peace and security.


Main Subjects

  1. English

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