Document Type : Article


Assistant Prof. Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law and Humanities, Islamic Azad ‎University Shiraz Branch, Shiraz, Iran‎



Legal systems use various methods to resolve their administrative disputes, and each of them follows a specific model for administrative adjudication depending on various factors. The special conditions of the country and its historical, political and social contexts determine the special features of its judicial system. The method of expressing the content in this article is descriptive and the purpose of the article is to introduce different models of adjudications without prioritizing a particular system. In this article, according to the criteria of the structure of the adjudication, the method of conducting the adjudication in the form of inquisitorial or adversarial, and open or closed judicial supervision, the four types of administrative adjudication have been identified. In the first model, the procedure is adversarial. Administrative agencies perform a combined function (administrative-judicial) and limited judicial review is applied in general courts. In the second model, adjudication is carried out by courts independent of administrative bodies and by adversarial method. Finally, closed judicial review is applied in general courts. In the third model, adjudication is conducted by special courts in a inquisitorial and open manner. And finally, the characteristic of the fourth model is open judicial review in general courts.


Main Subjects

  1. English
  2. A) Books
  3. Asimow, M. (2019). Federal Administrative Adjudication Outside the Administrative Procedure Act. Washington, D.C.: Administrative Conference of the United States.
  4. Asimow, M.R. (2014). Inquisitorial Adjudication and Mass Justice in American Administrative Law. In Laverne Jacobs and Sasha Baglay, The Nature of Inquisitorial Processes in Administrative Regimes: Global Perspectives. Edited by Laverne Jacobs and Sasha Baglay. London: Routledge. 93-112.
  5. Asimow, M. & Lubbers, J. S. (2010). The Merits of ‘Merits’ Review: A Comparative Look at the Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice. 28(2).
  6. Cane, P. (2016). Controlling Administrative Power: A Historical Comparison. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  7. Cane, P. (2009). Administrative Tribunals and Adjudication. Portland: Hart Publishing.
  8. Cane, P. (2008). Understanding Administrative Adjudication. In Administrative Law in a Changing State: Essays in Honour of Mark Aronson Hardcover. Edited by Linda P., Carol, H.& Michael, T. Portland: Hart Publishing, 273-299.
  9. Cane, P. (2010). Judicial Review and Merits Review: Comparing Administrative Adjudication by Courts and Tribunals. In Comparative Administrative Law. edited by Susan, R.A & Peter, L.L. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 426-448.
  10. Ford, C. (2013). Dogs and Tails: Remedies in Administrative Law. In Administrative Law in Context .edited by Lorne, S. & Colleen, F. . Toronto: Emond Montgomery,
  11. Stebbings, C. (2009). Legal Foundations Of Tribunals In Nineteenth-Century England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  12. Ushijma, H. (2009). Administrative Law and Judicialized Governance in Japan. In , Administraive Law and Governance in Asia. edited by Tom, G.& Albert H. Y. C., Oxfordshire: Rutledge, 81-100.


  1. B) Articles
  2. Antony, G. (2015). Administrative Justice in The United Kingdom. Italian Journal of Public Law, (7(1).
  3. Asimow, M. (2015). Five Models of Administrative Adjudication. American Journal of Comparative Law, (63), or
  4. Asimow, M., & Yoav, D. (2016). Open and Closed Judicial Review of Agency Action, The American Journal of Comparative Law, 64(3).
  5. Cui, W., Cheng, J. & Wiesner, D. (2018). Judicial Review of Government Actions in China. Journal of Comparative Law, 17(2).
  6. Elliott, M. (2012). Ombudsman, Tribunals, Inquiries: Re-Fashioning Accountability beyond the courts. University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper, (21).
  7. Huang, C. Y. & Law, D.S. (2014) . Proportionality Review of Administrative Action in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, & China. Legal Studies Research Paper Series, 14-08-07.
  8. Perlingeiro, R. (2016). Contemporary Challenges In Latin American Administrative Justice .BRICS Law Journal, 3(2), 21-56.
  9. Verbic, F. (2016). An Overview Of Administrative Justice In Argentina. BRICS law Journal, 3(2), 57-66.
  10. Xiao, S. & Lin, Y. (2022). Judicial Review of Administrative Rules in China: Incremental Expansion of Judicial Power. Journal of Comparative Law, 17(2), Available at SSRN:


Electronic Sources

  1. Administrative Justice in Europe-Report For France-.
  2. Administrative Justice in Europe ,Report for the United Kingdom.
  3. Gunther, C. (2016). Administrative Justice In Europe, Report For Germany.
  4. Thomas, R. (2012). Adversarial v Inquisitorial to Active, Enabling, and Investigative: Developments in UK Administrative Tribunals.
  5. Usui, M. (2013). Administrative Justice In Japan. presented at a CIPL and AIAL Seminar, ANU College of Law.


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