Document Type : Article


Assistant Professor, Women Research Center, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran‎



The right to the truth as an independent human right can create rights to protect victims and obligations for governments to provide the truth when human rights are violated. Preventing impunity, deterring the repetition of future violations, meeting the needs of the victims and protecting their rights, are the rights created for the victim based on the right to the truth, and on the other hand, this right creates obligations and duties for governments in the field of informing and publishing facts about the causes, factors and introduction of violators of human rights rules. This obligation in gross violations of human rights is an obligation that, in addition to the victims and their families, creates responsibility for the international community as a whole.This article is based on the actions of the Zionist regime in Palestine, especially in the Gaza Strip, looking for an answer to this question, how is the issue of Palestine evaluated from the point of view of right over truth? The findings of the research show that the issue of Palestine from the perspective of the right to the truth is indicative of serious violations of the rights of Palestinians in the field of access to freedom of expression and dissemination of information, the right to effective investigation, the right to judicial protection, and the right to compensation and compensation. The evaluation of the performance of the Israeli regime in Palestine from the perspective of the right to the truth is indicative of a violation of the rights of the Palestinians and even the international community, in relation to access to the facts and the dissemination of information and the preservation of evidences and reasons regarding the gross violations of human rights committed by the Israeli regime.


Main Subjects

  1. English

    A) Books

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    2. Robertson M.D. & Walter, G (2011). Psychiatric Ethics, the new professionalism: In Bhughura, D (ed) Psychiatry's Contract with Society. London: Oxford.
    3. Schabas, W. (2000). Genocide in International Law: The Crimes of Crimes. Cambridge University Press.
    4. Shetreet, S. (2014). The Culture of Judicial Independence: Rule of Law and World Peace. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
    5. Sourani, R. (2023). Israel’s Unfolding Genocide of the Palestinian People & U.S. Failure to Prevent and Complicity in Genocide. Center for Constitutional Rights.
    6. United Nations Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (2015). Right to a Fair Trial and Due Process in the Context of Countering Terrorism. United Nations, New York.
    7. Yvonne Davis, A. (2016). Freedom is a Constant Struggle Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement. Haymarket Books.


    1. B) Articles
    2. Naqvi,Y. (2006). The right to the truth in international law: fact or fiction?. Cambridge University Press, International Review of the Red Cross, 88 (862).
    3. Rashed, H., & Short, D.(2012). Genocide and settler colonialism: can a Lemkin-inspired genocide perspective aid our understanding of the Palestinian situation?. The International Journal of Human Rights, 16 (8).
    4. Shaw, M. (2010). Palestine in an International Historical Perspective on Genocide. Holy Land Studies. 9 (1), 1-24.
    5. Sweeney, J. (2018). The Elusive Right to Truth in Transitional Human Rights Jurisprudence. International & Comparative Law Quarterly, 67 (2).
    6. Van Noorloos, M. (2021). A Critical Reflection on the Right to the Truth about Gross Human Rights Violations. Human Rights Law Review, 21 (4).


    1. C) Documents
    2. Annual reports of Inter-American Commission on Human Rights(1985-1986), (1987-1988).
    3. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination(CERD), Israel and the State of Palestine, Statement 5 (2023), 27 October 2023
    4. De Greiff, Pablo; UN. Human Rights Council. Special Rapporteur on the Promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Recurrence, 2015.
    5. HaMoked, Childhood in Chains: The detention and interrogation of Palestinian Teenagers in the West Bank, report on 29April 2018.
    6. Human Rights Committee(1981). Views of 21 July 1983, Communication No. 107/1981, CCPR/C/19/D/107/1981.
    7. Human Rights Council(2009). Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development. A/HRC/RES/12/12 12 October 2009.
    8. Human Rights Council, No. Resolution 12/12, 12 October 2009
    9. Mansour,Riyad, reporters outside the Security Council chamber at the UN headquarters in New York, UN Security Council 09 October 2023.12.27.
    10. Report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, 4 February 2009, UN Doc. A/HRC/10/3
    11. Security Council, As Regional Violence Spills Over to Syria, Special Envoy, Briefing Security Council, Urges De-escalation, Refocus on Country’s Political Process, SC/15470, 9459th Meeting, 30 Oct. 2023.
    12. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, General Country of origin information report Palestinian Territories, April 2022, The Hague.
    13. The United Nations Commission on Human Rights (2006). Promotion and protection of all human rights, Study on the right to the truth, Report of the Offiec of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, E/CN.4/2006/91.
    14. UN Commission on Human Rights, Study on the Right to the Truth, Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 8 February 2006, E/CN.4/2006/91.
    15. UN General Assembly Resolution 60/147, the Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law, on 16 December 2005
    16. Commission on Human Rights. Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, E/CN.4/1435, Geneva : UN, 26 Jan. 1981.
    17. Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances, General Comment on the right to the truth in relation to enforced disappearances, 26 January 2011, A/HRC/16/48.


    1. D) Court Cases
    2. Al Nashiri v. Poland, ECtHR, Application no. 28761/11, 16/02/2015
    3. Almeida de Quinteros v. Uruguay(1983). Human Rights Council, Communication No. 107/1981.
    4. Amnesty International v. Sudan (1999). African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, Communications No. 48/90, 50/91, 52/91, 89/93.
    5. Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel), The International Court of Justice (ICJ), Request for the modification of the Order of 28 March 2024 indicating provisional measures, Order, 24 May 2024.
    6. Cyprus v. Turkey (2001). ECtHR, 10 May 2001, Application No. 25781/94.
    7. El-Masri v. the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia(2012). ECtHR, 13 December 2012, Application no. 39630/09.
    8. García and family members v. Guatemala, IACtHR, 29November 2012, Series C 258.
    9. Gomes-Lund et al. (Guerrilha do Araguaia) v. Brazil,IACrtHR, 24 November 2010.
    10. Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, Application no. 7511/13, 16/02/2015.
    11. ICJ Advisory Opinion - the United Nations, Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, 19 July 2024.
    12. ICJ Order: Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel), 24 May 2024.
    13. Velasquez Rodriguez v. Honduras(1988). July 29, 1988, IACrtHR, (Ser. C) No.


    1. E) World-reputable Websites
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    7. Burgess, Matt , Newman,Lily Hay, Internet Blackouts in Gaza Are a New Weapon in the Israel-Hamas War, wired, Published On 7 Nov 2023, .
    8. Civil society organizations call on tech companies to respect Palestinian digital rights in times of crisis, 13 October 2023, published on .
    9. Copp, Tara, AP News(Associated Press), 14 Oct. 2023,
    10. Euro News, Israel has right to self-defence, but some actions 'counter international law' – Borrell, Published on 10/10/2023
    11. Haaretz,5 Nov 2023,
    12. International Federation of Journalists,
    13. Julian Borger(in Jerusalem), An atmosphere of fear’: free speech under threat in Israel, activists say, Sun 22 Oct 2023, Available at:
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    16. Priyanka Shankar, Pranav Dixit, Usaid Siddiqui, Are social media giants censoring pro-Palestine voices amid Israel’s war?, 24 Oct 2023, Available at:
    17. Security Council, SC/15473, 30 October 2023,
    18. Tass(russian news agency), 6 Nov, 2023,
    19. The Associated Press, December 9, 2023,
    20. The Associated Press, December 9, 2023, .
    21. The Guardian, 20 Apr 2024, .
    22. The Guardian, UN security council backs resolution calling for humanitarian pause in Gaza, 15 Nov 2023,
    23. The New York Times, Lauren Leatherby, Gaza Civilians, Under Israeli Barrage, Are Being Killed at Historic Pace, 25Nov. 2023,
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    30. United Nations, Secretary-General's remarks to the Security Council - on the Middle East, 24 October 2023,
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    32. World Health Organization, WHO Director-General's remarks at the Emergency Meeting of the United Nations Security Council – 10 November 2023,


    References In Persian:

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