
Assistant Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


Following the developments in recent decades in the Middle East, many tragic events have unfolded in this region. From the imposed war of Iraq's dictator, Saddam Hussein, against Iran in the 1980s, Kuwait's occupation by Ba'athist Iraq, acts of aggression by Israel's regime against Lebanon, Gaza along with other incidents, Military intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq by the United States and its allies, brutal and criminal acts of violence committed by terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria with the support of  regional and trans-regional powers, to the most recent military intervention and acts of war against the people of Yemen. Not only have these events been in violation of fundamental rules and principles of the International law, but they have also endangered the current international order. Unfortunately, the international practice especially responses by a number of States and international organizations have not been as expected. This essay reviews the facts and issues regarding the military intervention in Yemen according to the rules and principles of International Law and International Customary Law, to prove it as an unjustified and illegitimate act.


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پایگاه‌‌های داده‌ها
Al-Arabiya, 25 March, 2015
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Euronews,3,Feb. 2011 / 29, March 2015
                                                                                                            Middle East Report, No.86
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