
1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies & Law, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran

2 MSc. Student, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author: farajpour87


Inherent dignity is the basis of human rights and individuals as members of the human race are entitled to the mentioned rights. As a result and in the emergence of States, governments and social-era, the humankind is demanding access to the said rights. Democratic governments, in the exercise of power and authority and "to recognize and respect the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare", inevitably, limit the rights of the people. The authors, with the assumption that all human rights are not absolute in society, seek to demonstrate Acquired dignity as a basis for Citizen's rights and to illustrate that based on this assumption, legitimate governments, from which the theocratic government of Iran is not an exemption, shall provide the rights of their citizens. While accrediting the existence of common human values, the fact that each society has a distinctive set of values must be observed. In closing, this paper attempts to study The Constitution in order to obtain the above-mentioned methods and differentiations regarding the two categories of dignity to shed light on necessities of entitlement to Acquired dignity.


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